Monday, July 5, 2010

Maintaining Car Security

There are some quick and easy, car security tips that can help you maintain your car security at a high level and avoid unwanted guests helping themselves. When it comes to stopping thieves you can’t stop them yourself but you can slow them down and prevent them from making you their next victim. If you place enough deterrents in your vehicle they may think twice before attempting to steal your car or to steal from it. In order to successfully steal a car the thieves would ordinarily need the process to be very quick and simple. Making this time longer will be yet another deterrent for the potential thief.

Use Car Alarm Window Stickers - If the thief knows you have an alarm system in your vehicle the theft becomes much harder to carry out unnoticed and quickly. It’s not a good idea to advertise exactly what alarm you are using but make sure they know you are using one.

LED it up - Make sure the thief also knows that the alarm in your vehicle is currently active. This can be easily spotted by an easily visible active alarm LED light. The thief will notice there is an active alarm prior to damaging the vehicle so will not attempt to steal yours.

Show which vehicle it is - Make sure everyone knows which vehicle is making the noise generated by the alarm and attempted theft. Use bright lights that can be easily seen during the daytime so people know which car is being unlawfully entered.

Make them deaf - Make sure the interior audible alarm is something like a siren noise. It has to be as uncomfortable as possible so that the thief inside has a very nasty shock to the ears.

Thief 101 - One of the first things a thief will try to do before entering the vehicle is to disconnect the car battery in order to deactivate the alarm. Use a hidden battery that is separate from the car battery to power the car alarm.

They can’t turn back - Make sure the thief can’t use the car. Place a steering wheel lock or elephant lock on your steering wheel whenever the car is vacant so that they can’t turn the wheel to steal the car. This is just one more obstacle for the thief to have to get around when trying to steal the car.

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