Sunday, July 4, 2010

Risky Driving Behaviors

What are risky driving behaviors? Do you engage in any of these dangerous practices while you are driving your car? Read and find out more about these dangerous driving practices and if you do any of them...stop!

You are not paying attention to the road and the other vehicles around you if you are doing any of these 5 dangerous and risky driving behaviors while you are behind the wheel of your car.

Most people assume when they get into their car to travel, they’ll return home uninjured. But with the increasingly complex and time deficient lives most Americans are subject to, multi-tasking is the norm.

Unfortunately, multi-tasking when you’re behind the wheel of a car can be dangerous to your health and compromise the safety of other drivers on the road. Still, many Americans choose to use their daily commute time to engage in some rather dangerous car games. Do you engage in any of these risky driving behaviors?

Risky Driving Behavior: Talking On A Cell Phone While Driving.

It seems as if this practice has become epidemic. People are using their drive time as an opportunity to carry on completely unnecessary conversations with family and friends. When engaged in cell phone conversation, it’s been shown that drivers have slower reaction times and are more likely to miss seeing important obstacles in their road ahead. Hands free devices don’t appear to be the answer since drivers appear to be just as distracted when their hands are free. It appears that the simple act of carrying on a distracting conversation is enough to increase the risk of an accident.

Risky Driving Behavior: Applying Makeup While Driving.

This is a dangerous car game that many women play. It’s not unusual to see lipstick and mascara being applied while the car is in full motion and the guilty party’s eyes glued to the mirror instead of the road. The age group most likely to do this is the younger set who have the least experience driving. No wonder women seen at the site of a fender bender often have smeared lipstick.

Risky Driving Behavior: Eating Lunch Behind The Wheel.

Many people feel so time strapped that they feel compelled to eat their Big Mac and French fries with the car in full motion. With that oversized hamburger in one hand and their mouth full of fries, they can be seen going subnormal speeds in the left hand passing lane as drivers struggle to get around them. A study carried out in England using car simulators showed that drivers who ate while driving had double the risk of a car crash.

Risky Driving Behavior: Reading While Driving.

Yes, there are people who actually read when they’re driving. In fact, ten percent of people surveyed admit to reading a book or newspaper while driving. That’s not to mention the ones who access their laptop computers or iPods while behind the wheel. Isn’t this why ebooks were created?

Risky Driving Behavior: Trying To Be A Tough Guy.

There are people in this world who are quite convivial until they get behind the wheel of a car. Shielded by that tinted glass, they feel invincible and impervious. When someone inadvertently pulls in front of them, their dark side takes over and they emit a barrage of verbal abuses and hand gestures directed out the car window. They may even go so far as to play the dangerous car game of attempting to run the vehicle off the road. This is the power of road rage and it’s not surprising that it’s an important cause of accidents and even road related homicides.

When you get behind the wheel, take the job of driving seriously. Don’t let these risky driving behaviors and dangerous car games jeopardize your health and good driving record, not to mention the welfare of others. Listen to some soft music and keep your hands on the wheel.

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